On Yoga Teacher Training, Instagram, the Gym and my fave Shoulder Mount.

I don’t feel at all guilty for not having posted something in a while. I have been busy: working out at the gym, revisiting Instagram, choosing a Yoga Teacher Training to suit me and of course, as usual, working on my Pole Shoulder Mount.

Yes, I have a lot to amuse myself with at the moment. I will write a separate post about the incredible benefits of working out at the gym (free weights=love) and another on my Yoga journey when my registration on the Vinyasa 200hr Training Course in Marseille is actually confirmed. Trying not to get too excited here!

So, Shoulder Mounts. Where am I? Here:

shoulder mounting in the French Alps - point your damn toes!

shoulder mounting in the French Alps – point your damn toes!

As you can see, I have come quite a way from last August when I managed my first ever Shoulder Mount, like a monkey, kicking and flaying and in no way being able to hold onto it for longer than a split second, with my feet grabbing onto the pole for dear life, all the time being in a lot of pain!

Now I can hold my legs out in a V (albeit somewhat irregularly and not yet flat) and it doesn’t hurt my shoulder so much. I can even hold it for a few long seconds, on both sides, too 🙂 Will have to make a sexy little video soon.

Of course, the main thing would be for me to point my toes. Damn it!

And I must work more on my flexibility to get those legs nice and flat.

Next job: start on the Shoulder Flag. Let’s get those legs out in a straight line away from the pole. Wouldn’t that be nice! Wish me luck!!

Oh yes and if you like please feel free to follow me on Instagram, my new favourite utterley time-wasting yet super motivating activity 😉 @poledanceyoga

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